
So I've had a few people tell me they thought I should start a blog. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was to get me OFF of facebook and twitter.
Also, it's getting tough for me to rant in less than 15o characters.
So....here it is for better or worse. At the very least I can at least talk to myself on here and my family won't have to "listen" to me.
Either way, not sure why you're here but thanks. Even if you never come back :)


Why Not Now?????

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Punting Kittens vol.18

Ok….I need to rant.  I’m in one of those moods where I’m 2 minutes from becoming that guy in the movie Falling Down with the broken glasses and a baseball bat….and this will take too long for a facebook post. Yes it’s that bad.

So today’s edition of things that make me want to punt a kitten?.... Rebates.

I hope the guy who invented this idea is being slowly tortured in hell while he waits for the rebate on his after-life to process in some run down, south western Idaho, office building where the employees are paid $6.24 an hour with no benefits or vacation.

What IS the point of the rebate anyway? Are businesses just “banking” on the one out of seven customers that are disorganized boobs or too lazy to follow through? How is this even legal?

“Well sir….yes your contacts are in fact $425 for a two month supply…but that’s before the rebate! I have the forms for you right here. It’s such a great deal!”

To steal a line from the legendary movie Spinal Tap…….Lick My Love Pump.  Just give me my money.

Who comes up with the directions on these forms? Are they laughing in some board room writing them on a white board while they partake of the morning donuts and coffee?

“Oh wait…wait..add this Joe….Have them mail the receipts in triplicate along with a bar code from the product and 3 box tops from Kellogs cereal and a drug free sample of their urine!....no wait! A FAMILY member’s urine!!....”

And why are there expiration dates???? If I complete the nine step obstacle course to qualify for my discount then time should NOT matter! Money is money. A rebate is a rebate. I don’t care if I missed the deadline and it’s no longer the Chinese Year of the Cock.  Show. Me. The. Money.

And you know what??? Make it ACTUAL MONEY!! You don’t even get cash or a check anymore! It’s a #$%#$$T$%W#Q#$ng DEBIT card!! I have at least 3 piece of crap cards in my wallet that still have $1.27 or something left on them.  Getting exactly your money’s worth without spending even MORE than you wanted on your damn contacts/applicance/whatever is impossible. This isn’t good business. This isn’t high functioning Capitalism….this is vindictive enteprenureal (?) bull shit and I’m not going to stand for it anymore.

There has to be a way to get these people back.  I would love to end up teaching the child of one of the people that have stuck me with a big fiscal FU masked as a rebate.

“Well Mr. Blow…..Joe jr. DID earn a 94% this marking period. All you have to do is follow the directions on that Math Grade Rebate form I sent home and the final 25% of his grade goes in the books!! Isn’t that great?? Have a nice day!” Click.

Please. Explain the difference between that and the hundreds of dollars sitting in discount purgatory that I have pissed away because I AM that boob who is too disorganized to get to the forms buried in the basket on my dining room table with all the unpaid bills, old school pictures, and take out menus…..(a basket which also may cause a divorce one day).

I got your rebate right here Mr. Your Family Eye Doctor….and no I don’t want to buy a back-up pair of eye glasses as a matter of fact. If something goes wrong with my $500 contacts I’ll just sit right here in the dark and wait for my Visa debit card to arrive thank you very much. Then I’m going to buy a dozen eggs with it and trash that stupid sign in your parking lot.

There. I feel better. Thanks for reading.

(Disclaimer: No kittens were harmed during this blog entry. I love kittens…..until they become cats…..and then we have the subject of a future rant……the cycle continues.)

I need help.

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