
So I've had a few people tell me they thought I should start a blog. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was to get me OFF of facebook and twitter.
Also, it's getting tough for me to rant in less than 15o characters.
So....here it is for better or worse. At the very least I can at least talk to myself on here and my family won't have to "listen" to me.
Either way, not sure why you're here but thanks. Even if you never come back :)


Why Not Now?????

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Black Gold and Unphiltered: 20 Questions with Phil

Black Gold and Unphiltered: 20 Questions with Phil: 1. Does it really matter who wins the Republican nomination for president ? I think the next class of NFL Hall of Famers ( Jack B...

20 Questions with Phil

1.     Does it really matter who wins the Republican nomination for   president?

I think the next class of NFL Hall of Famers (Jack Butler, Dermontti Dawson, Chris Doleman, Cortez Kennedy, Curtis Martin, and Willie Roaf.) would have a better chance of beating Obama.

2.     If the Penguins could play the rest of the season with Crosby, Letang,  and no other injuries could anyone beat them 4 times in a playoff  series…or even twice?  

As Geno would say….nyet.

3.     Who was the coolest cartoon dog ever?
Doug? From the movie UP
Rrrrrastro from the Jetsons
Dino (does he count?)
Hong Kong Phooey
Any of the 101 Dalmations

They’re all ok but I think hands down it’s Tramp from Lady and the
Tramp. That dude had game. And he likes Italian food…cmon!

4.     Who was the coolest cartoon cat ever?
Who cares. Screw cats. They suck. Especially those Siamese pieces of sh…from Lady and the Tramp. Bitches……oh wait….that’s dogs….

5.     If there’s no climate change how come I shoveled more in any 3 minute period of the winter 2 yrs ago than I have all this year?

DID I shovel this year? My mail man has yet to wear pants.

6.     If Jesus Christ was running for president as a Democrat……would he get crushed on FOX news every night?

He was a liberal after all…. Sure…pull the rising from the dead card…typical.  Hannity would hate him.

7.     Mit Romney? Really? (that’s not two questions)

8.     How sweet would it be to watch your own statue unveiled like Mario Lemieux, the greatest player of all time, will do this week?

 I would take a Fusili Phil figure like the one Kramer made of Jerry on Seinfeld.

9.     Which is the worse run organization in the world?
Roman Catholic Church (I am one…relax.)
Education in the US (I am a teacher relax.)
The NHL (no I don’t play)
The Republican Party since 2000
The U.S. Government  in general.
(no I will not include the Pirates….shut your pie hole.)

After much deliberation I’m gonna have to go with education. What other organization has it’s business run by people who have NEVER had anything to do with that profession (see School Boards)……?

10.     Does it get any better than Bruce Springsteen?
His music has spanned four decades.  He reaches people of all ages and walks of life..the proof is at the concerts. He STILL sells out stadiums. He’s never in the news for negative things. NO drugs. No alcohol. Still led off the Grammy’s just the other day…Donated MILLIONS to the local food banks of the cities on his tours…I am forever in debt to a guy named Mike Varlotta for introducing me to Bruce’s music one summer when I was about 14 yrs old. Thanks Mike.

11.      Can life emulate the game of RISK?

With everything so screwed up, with everyone owing the same 2 countries trillions of dollars, all the political tensions and threats of war and nukes, can’t we just all start over like the game of RISK? Give everyone an equal amount of money and weapons and just begin again? Besides I always loved having Iceland when I played that game. That would be cool to take them over.

12.     Are Pre-Teen years really necessary?

With all the advances in the genetics field I think they need to find a way to create humans that skip the pre-teen years. Jump straight from 12 to say…16 so they can get ready for college or the future.  All the pre-teen years do is cause pain and emotional scarring…and you never REALLY learn anything important right? Trust me I’m an expert. I teach AND I have a pre-teen daughter.  Selfishly this would save a lot of parents and incredible amount of headaches…..it’s win-win.

13.    Who wins the battle between Nature and Nurture?

THIS I definitely have the answer to. Nature beats Nurture’s ass 25 seconds into the first round….so bad Nurture never fights again. I put everything I had into modeling and raising my children in a way that they would be nothing like me…..they are clones. Shit.

14. Given a writing utensil and any surface (paper, notebook, desk, chalkboard) and the chance to draw anything under the sun…why does every boy between the ages of 13 and 18 draw a penis? 
I would blame the movie Superbad if this wasn’t going on long before it’s filming. At year’s end one kid in the school I taught at in Michigan (this is 13 yrs ago) handed me a ‘book’ of all the penises (peni?) he had drawn.  I just don’t get it.
15.    What is the worst way to die?

As a Cleveland Browns fan.  Poor souls.

16.  If you had to assemble a team to win you one football game with your life at stake or $5 million, who do you have at QB?

At the risk of offending Steeler Nation….my money is on John Elway. Today though? Big Ben. No joke. He would win with any offensive coordinator, system, line, RBs, WRs….you can have Brees or Rogers….and you’ll lose.

17. What catches your eye first..or…what is your favorite part of the anatomy of a woman? (or man) Are they the same?

Eyes. No contest.  I’m not gonna name the 5 things that are tied for second…this is going to be posted and may get me in trouble.

18.   What are your top 5 CDs of all time?

1.     Pick a Bruce CD…any one….that’s like picking a favorite child.
2.     Joshua Tree – U2
3.     Achtung Baby – U2
4.     American Idiot – Green Day
5.     Maroon 5 – Songs About Jane   (that was way too hard.)

19.  If my dream job of teaching disrespectful 14-year olds Geometry and Algebra was taken from me what would be my second choice?

Playing Second Base for the Pittsburgh Pirates.

20.What is more of a problem for me as I try to live life? Being Bipolar, being stupid, or having Attention Defici