
So I've had a few people tell me they thought I should start a blog. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was to get me OFF of facebook and twitter.
Also, it's getting tough for me to rant in less than 15o characters.
So....here it is for better or worse. At the very least I can at least talk to myself on here and my family won't have to "listen" to me.
Either way, not sure why you're here but thanks. Even if you never come back :)


Why Not Now?????

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DOMA Oregato Mr. Roboto

ya....I don't even know what that means. Thank Defense of Marriage Act Mr. Robot?
I'm pretty sure robots are sexless....but what do I know....and Dennis DeYoung of STYX may have been gay.


I'm blogging today for two reasons.

1. I opted for this instead of a straight status message on Facebook. Those back and forths with close minded people really make my heart hurt.....literally.

2. Man am I pissed.

The ruling of DOMA as unconstitutional has brought a huge issue for me to a head and I have to get it out there once and for all, and try my best not to offend close friends.....so here it goes.

I literally read from the Bible every day, as many of my Christian friends probably do.  But I'm not talking about randomly chosen phrases and devotionals. I read and reread it as a whole and I will continue to do so for as long as I can read.  More the New Testament than the Old but I read it as a whole...as it was written throughout the centuries......with some guidance from scholars like the great N.T.Wright - maybe the best of New Testament scholars out there. It is how it was written and how it was meant to be read. A history of our faith, and if you really understand it, a history of humanity.

My point is this....not to make myself sound better......for I am truly at the bottom of the barrel as far as Christians living out their faith and witnessing to it......I know that. I suck.

But I can not stand by anymore and watch Christians miss the BIG picture.
Whyyyyyyyyyy do we focus so much time, energy, and hatred on homosexuality????

When you read and reread the Bible as one big testament to our faith and the human race and God's relationship with us it is so much bigger, so much better, so much more meaningful and beautiful.....and then so many of the issues that have caused so much pain sort of drip away into the background and merge with the rest of what makes us human.

I will not comment or make judgment on someone's personal feelings or views on homosexuality....but I will comment on their approach and reaction to it.

Stop reading the Bible as a constitution or a rule book. That is NOT what it is. We are becoming no different than the Jewish hierarchy that Jesus came back to admonish for making life and faith ONLY about the Law and pretty much making their faith like an elite club.......Jesus, and what he did, abolished the law.

I'm not saying anything goes obviously and that there are no rules or sin.....but Jesus, if I may paraphrase the Lord (is that wise?).....Jesus was saying "It's not the LAW stupid......it's your LIFE"
The law comes along for the ride when you live your life as you should. It is written on your hearts.

Look, if couples are getting married IN YOUR CHURCH and you feel it's wrong then take issue WITH YOUR CHURCH...single out and.cite a few phrases in the Bible all you want.....but my guess is most of these people aren't getting married in YOUR CHURCH because they are probably not accepted there.....so leave it alone. This (DOMA) was a civil issue today.........and thaty is different and separate whether you like it or not.

I love our  God and Jesus just like some of you........but I also love my neighbor......or try too!!!! And hey....some of those neighbors are gay......and wonderful people.....some are even Christian.....and much better Christians than some of the hateful believers I know....and the Lord loves both.

Leave it alone. Please. Tend to the logs in your own eye. Shore up the glass in your own house. Love your neighbor no matter what HIS house is made of......or what goes on inside.  If you think Jesus wouldn't do the same.......then you're just not getting the big picture.....or maybe even getting it at all.

Just love. It's really that simple.

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